1. General

1.1 Scope
These general terms and conditions apply in the version valid at the time of the conclusion of the contract for all business relations between us Nguyen und Pham GbR, Schlotfegergasse 2, 90402 Nuremberg, represented by the shareholders Mr. Chau Tuan Nguyen and you. If you use conflicting terms and conditions, this is hereby expressly contradicted.

1.2 Contract agreement
Contract language is German.

1.3 Conclusion of contract

1.3.1 Conclusion of the contract via the website
You send us a booking request. The contract is then individually by offer and acceptance. Unless otherwise agreed here is the usual procedure that you receive a binding offer from us after your request, which you can then accept within two weeks. With the acceptance of the contract comes off. A separate storage of the contract text does not take place, but the content of the contract results individually from the agreement reached.


2. Service description

2.1 Room provision
Booked rooms are available from 11 am. Earlier availability can be arranged. Unless otherwise agreed, you are not entitled to a specific room in our guesthouse. On the day of departure, the rooms provided must be vacated by no later than 9 am and made available to us again and the key handed over. In the case of a late return, we will assert you the damage incurred by us.

2.2 Service provision
We are entitled to have the contract or parts of the contract fulfilled by third parties.

2.3 Performance time
Unless otherwise expressly agreed, we provide the service at the agreed time.

2.4 Change and extension requests
Unless otherwise agreed or booked, requests for changes and enhancements will only be made if they are necessary to achieve the purpose of the contract. However, upon express request of the customer, requests for alterations and extensions can be made by our separate assignment (for example, booking an additional room, lengthening the stay). This is paid for separately.

2.5 Performance delays
Performance delays due to force majeure and due to extraordinary and unforeseeable events, which can not be prevented by utmost care from us (this includes in particular strikes, official or court orders and cases of improper or improper self-supply despite the covering business), we do not have represented. They entitle us to delay the provision of services for the duration of the obstructing event.


3. Payment

3.1 Prices
All prices include VAT. 

3.2 Late payment
You will be in default of payment if the payment is not received within two weeks of receipt of the invoice. In the event of default, interest shall be charged at 5 percentage points above the base rate of the European Central Bank, or 9 percentage points above the base rate of the European Central Bank for legal transactions in which a consumer is not involved. If you are in default with your payments, we reserve the right to charge reminder fees in the amount of 2.50 euros. The assertion of a further compensation remains at liberty. You have the opportunity to prove that we have incurred no or less damage.

3.3 Right of retention
The assertion of a right of retention only applies to those counterclaims that are due and based on the same legal relationship as your obligation.

3.4 Cancellation
Reserved rooms are kept until midnight on the first day of booking. In case of no show, 90% of the total amount will be charged, unless we can allocate the rooms otherwise.

For cancellations:

Single reservations (1-2 rooms)

Up to 24 hours before arrival, the rooms can be canceled free of charge.

Group reservations (from 3 rooms)

Up to 30 days before the arrival of the group, the reserved rooms can be canceled free of charge.

After this period, we will charge you 90% of the total amount.


4. Right of withdrawal
The right of withdrawal shall not apply to distance contracts for the provision of services in the field of accommodation for purposes other than habitation, transport of goods, car rental, supply of food and drink and other recreational activities, provided that the contract for the provision of a specific Appointment or period.


5. Your responsibility

5.1 General
You are solely responsible for the content and accuracy of the data provided by you at the time of booking.

5.2 Prevention
Should you be prevented on the day of arrival (for example due to illness), you can designate a replacement guest after prior notification. However, a cancellation is not possible.

5.3 Items
The items owned or owned by third parties and provided to you under the contract (such as in-room facilities) must be treated with care at all times.

5.4 Smoking ban
The smoking ban in the guesthouse must always be observed. In particular, we reserve the right to assert a claim for damages in the event of a breach of the smoking ban, which results from the fact that the room affected by smoking can not be re-rented immediately due to the increased cleaning effort. You are entitled to prove that the damage claimed for this reason was not incurred, or not at the claimed amount.

5.5 Behavior
The use of drugs is not permitted during your stay in our pension. The consumption of alcohol is only permitted to a limited extent. Should we realize that you are showing signs of deficiency or the like and thereby endanger the well-being of other guests and us (for example, by aggressive behavior), we reserve the right to expel you from our pension. Already paid fees can not be refunded in the named cases.

5.6 Sub-leasing
The subletting or re-letting of the rooms and rooms provided as well as their use for purposes other than accommodation and event purposes require our prior consent.


6. Internet access via WLAN 

6.1 Mitbenutzung eines Internetzugangs
Die Pension betreibt einen Internetzugang per WLAN. Er gestattet dem Gast den Zugang zum Internet für die Dauer seines Aufenthaltes in der Pension. Die Mitbenutzung ist eine Serviceleistung der Pension und ist jederzeit widerruflich.

Der Inhaber übernimmt keine Gewähr für die tatsächliche Verfügbarkeit oder Zuverlässigkeit des Internetzuganges für irgendeinen Zweck. Er ist jederzeit berechtigt, den Betrieb des Internetzugangs ganz, teilweise oder zeitweise einzustellen, weitere Mitnutzer zuzulassen und den Zugang des Gastes ganz, teilweise oder zeitweise zu beschränken oder auszuschließen. Der Inhaber behält sich insbesondere vor, nach eigenem Ermessen und jederzeit den Zugang auf bestimmte Seiten oder Dienste über das WLAN zu sperren. (z.B. gewaltverherrlichende, pornographische oder kostenpflichtige Seiten). Dem Gast allein obliegt in eigener Verantwortung die Schaffung sämtlicher technischer und organisatorischer Voraussetzungen zur Nutzung des Internet.

6.2 Verantwortlichkeit und Freistellung von Ansprüchen
Für die über das Internet übermittelten Daten, die darüber in Anspruch genommenen Dienstleistungen und getätigten Rechtsgeschäfte ist der Gast selbst verantwortlich. Besucht der Gast kostenpflichtige Internetseiten oder geht er Verbindlichkeiten ein, sind die daraus resultierenden Kosten von ihm zu tragen. Er ist verpflichtet, bei Nutzung des Internetzugangs das geltende Recht einzuhalten.
Er wird insbesondere:

– Internetzugang weder zum Abruf noch zur Verbreitung von sitten- oder rechtswidrigen Inhalten nutzen;
– keine urheberrechtlich geschützten Güter widerrechtlich vervielfältigen, verbreiten oder zugänglich machen;
– die geltenden Jugendschutzvorschriften beachten;
– keine belästigenden, verleumderischen oder bedrohenden Inhalte versenden oder verbreiten;
– den Internetzugang nicht zur Versendung von Massen-Nachrichten (Spam) und / oder anderen Formen unzulässiger Werbung nutzen.

Der Mitnutzer stellt den Inhaber der Pension von sämtlichen Schäden und Ansprüchen Dritter frei, die auf einer rechtswidrigen Verwendung des WLANs durch den Mitnutzer und / oder auf einem Verstoß gegen vorliegenden Vereinbarung beruhen, dies erstreckt sich auch auf für mit der Inanspruchnahme bzw. deren Abwehr zusammenhängende Kosten und Aufwendungen.
Erkennt der Gast, dass eine solche Rechtsverletzung und / oder ein solcher Verstoß vorliegt oder droht, weist er die Pension auf diesen Umstand hin.

7. Haftung

7.1 Haftungsausschluss
We and our legal representatives and vicarious agents are liable only for intent or gross negligence. As far as essential contractual obligations (hence those obligations, the fulfillment of the purpose of the contract is of particular importance) are concerned, there is liability for ordinary negligence. The liability is limited to the foreseeable, contract-typical damage. In the case of a grossly negligent breach of non-essential contractual obligations, we are liable to contractors only in the amount of the foreseeable, contract-typical damage.

7.2 Haftungsvorbehalt
The above disclaimer does not apply to liability for damage resulting from injury to life, limb or health. The provisions of the Product Liability Act remain unaffected by this disclaimer.

7.3 Diebstahl
You have to make sure that you secure your possessions against theft or stow them properly. We provide only our premises or our safe available, but assume no liability for theft.

7.4 Stellplatz
Insofar as you are provided with a parking space in our pension, also for a fee, no custody agreement will be concluded. We are not liable for loss of or damage to motor vehicles parked or shunted on the property of the pensioners and their contents, unless we are at fault. The remaining liability rules remain unaffected.

8. Schlussbestimmungen

8.1 Gerichtsstand
Our place of business is the exclusive place of jurisdiction for all legal disputes arising from this contract, provided that you are a merchant, a legal entity under public law or a special fund under public law.

8.2 Rechtswahl
Unless compelling legal provisions contrary to your home law, German law is to the exclusion of UN sales law as agreed.

8.3 Verbraucher-Streitbeilegungsverfahren
The EU Commission has created an internet platform for the online settlement of disputes regarding contractual obligations arising from online contracts (OS platform). You can reach the OS platform at the following link: http://ec.europa.eu/consumers/odr/. We are unwilling and not obliged to participate in a dispute settlement procedure before a consumer arbitration board.

8.4 Salvatorische Klausel
The invalidity of individual provisions does not affect the validity of the remaining terms and conditions.

